I've been really cold when I got the key to my new garden. Yes I'm the proud tennant of an allotment.
I know I don't have time to do any gardening but that's allright because my garden is meant to read and knit in. I trust that the plants that are in the garden know how to grow by themselves.
I might add some plants like mint so I can enjoy a cup of tea while reading and knitting and hope that the old plants will teach the new plants the ropes.
With the key came a complete set of rules, an allotment is serious business, it was a great relieve that knitting and reading is allowed as long as I paint my chair green or brown!
I have found a really great website to help me http://www.allotmentgirls.co.uk/ they have have a shop with the absolute best tops and t-shirts to wear while pretending to work your soil.
For now it's too cold to do anything in the garden so I'll just dream about it and maybe knit a plant. And maybe order that slug-top.